Accelerategreen - Five steps to the net zero target
Accelerategreen - What you can expect from us

Our team

Stephan Kaufmann

Stephan Kaufmann has many years of line and consulting experience in various industrial sectors (logistics & transportation, mechanical, electrical and metal industries, utilities). In recent years, he has also acquired broad knowledge in the development and implementation of greenhouse gas reduction projects in various industrial sectors.

Simon Mouttet

Simon Mouttet has many years of management experience in the tourism and public transport sectors. In recent years, he has acquired extensive knowledge and a wide-ranging network in the areas of innovation and sustainability in the culinary sector through the founding and development of the festival and the Food Zurich platform.

Alfred Gerber

With his many years of experience in the management of Sulzer and Winterthur Gas & Diesel Groups, Alfred Gerber is a profound expert on the interfaces between industrial production and sustainability. He is our expert in the mechanical engineering and metal industry and, as a lawyer, he is familiar with all legal aspects relating to climate and environmental policy requirements.

Sharon Zingg

As a chemical engineer with many years of line experience in multinational Swiss companies, Sharon Zingg is our expert in the chemical and process industry and in the construction and construction supply industry. She also has several years of experience in the field of sustainability and public-private partnerships (industry, universities, associations and authorities).

Dr. Anatol Zingg

Anatol Zingg is a proven expert in the field of materials science. His many years of experience in the cement industry make him our expert for the construction/construction supply industry. With his know-how along the entire value chain, he is our expert in the development and transformation of business models.

Praktikant*in gesucht


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On request, we are happy to provide contact details for companies we are currently working with, or have worked with in the past.


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Auf Anfrage sind wir gerne bereit, Ihnen Kontakt zu Unternehmen zu vermitteln, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten beziehungsweise zusammengearbeitet haben.

On request, we are happy to provide contact details for companies we are currently working with, or have worked with in the past.